• info@tekvatic.com

Our Role For The Better World

One of the basic values on which our founders built this company is to "make this world an affordable, happy and peaceful place for everyone". We Give Back to the Community - tekVatic's corporate social responsibility practices demonstrate that the company acts in an open and transparent way to contribute to the welfare of society and make a positive social and environmental impact.

We give to charities that provide the right kind of help and provide it where it will do the most good. Regardless of faith, race, gender, age, ethnicity, and nationality - we spend a reasonable amount of our profits by giving donations to the orphanage, old houses, small schools and to survivors of acid violence.


tekVatic is rooted in communities around the world—which means a unique opportunity to commit ourselves to philanthropy and community uplift programs. You can do this too - it is very easy to help and give a smile to the people.

Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. -- Booker T. Washington